No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
Question: How do you push through storms and rain in life?
    So one night I decided to head to my parents house, which is about two and a half hours from my own home.  I just felt like seeing them, so I packed up and off I went.  The drive was going great until about half way through the commute.  I hit a storm so heavy that I considered pulling over at a gas station and waiting it out.  I'm talking about heavy rain and high winds, but before I made the decision to stop and wait I checked my radar.  What I suspected was the storm was moving in the same direction I was, and if I stopped I would meet it again on down the road.  At some point I was going to have to go through it. 

    To get through the storm, you must first realize you are going through a storm.  Storms have time constraints on them.  They never last forever.  With that in mind, it's great you've realized you're in a storm because there are people that can't even do that. They feel as if this is their life, and things will never change.   Now you have to focus on creating a game plan to get through it, while also learning and growing from it.  Sometimes, in rain, you have to pull over, take a look at your surroundings, and figure out a plan on how to make it through.  Focusing on the negatives of the trial, like the strength of the winds,  won't help you conquer the storms of life.  So begin to look at how it can make you stronger and better.  And then focus on working through it. 

    You must keep in mind that we all face storms and rain in our lives.  No one is exempt!  Sometimes we are able to face it with people, but other times its a road we are traveling alone.  Storms can be frightening and unpredictable, but the reality is you have a guide, kind of like my radar, to tell you how to navigate through even the toughest of storms.  Through life's storms I've found myself praying harder than I've ever prayed before.  With prayer I have received direction, guidance, and peace from the most random of places.  I mean hugs from little kids to wisdom from random people just sitting next to me in a restaurant.  You have access to the Master of the ship, so why not take advantage of your proximity to the person guiding the ship.  You have a radar to get you through the storm. Now use it!

    Finally, don't forget the fact you aren't in this alone.  Isolation always seems to make your situation seem more painful and unbearable.  Sometimes things seem more difficult to conquer when the issue is just floating around in your head.  I've found it to be helpful when I can talk it out with my parents, family, friends, or even a counselor.  The issue becomes so much easier to handle when it is outside of the confines of my mind.  And many times those around me can give me a different
outlook on the storm.  With a simple change in perspective and the ability to vent my frustrations, I am free to then come up with a game plan. 

    As I  reviewed of my radar it showed me that one way or another I had to find my way through the storm.  It was indeed moving in the same direction I was.  I had to cross through it at some point, and no time seemed better than the present.  And when I arrived at my parents home, that slow journey through the storm was worth it! Not only did I arrive to receive love, hugs, and tons of food (lol), but I arrived stronger because then I was aware that if I needed to, I could drive through heavy storms.  You've got what it takes to travel through the storm!  Just keep moving!

    Yup!  That's the topic.  Oh don't get all squeamish now!  LOL!  It never fails, someone brings up sex around a group of single Christians and its like a cemetery...pure SILENCE! 

    I grew up in a time (I sound so elderly saying that) when we were told "don't have sex outside of marriage", which was a grand concept!  The issue was, NO ONE TOLD ME WHAT TO DO WITH THE NATURAL FEELINGS I WOULD HAVE WHEN DATING A YOUNG MAN!  Now I know you are so holy that you've never had feelings.  You are  happy with Jesus and Him alone, but outside of that alternate universe you've created in your head, the rest of us are in a battle! 

    Not only were we not given instructions, or warnings, about our feelings, I realized that a lot of the "save yourself" talks were happening with the girls and not so much with the boys. 
    How the heck does that even work!?! I mean, it does take two of us to make things happen, so how am I suppose to SINGLE HANDEDLY take on the responsibility of rush, I'll wait....
    Alright, I'm back.  In reality, our society has based a lot of its media, promotion, and status on physical appearance, sex, and wealth.  So how do you maneuver through a single Christian lifestyle in a world that places significant value on sex prior to marriage.  (And yes that has become a significant value.  I have heard men and women state they REFUSE to marry someone until they know they are sexually  compatible.  But that's another blog altogether.)  I don't claim to have all the answers, and I'm aware that things happen, children are had, and some are recommitting to a life of no sex before marriage.  So with that knowledge, whether you've held it together forever OR you've made up in your mind that the next time you have sex, you will be married, here are some things I've found to be helpful:

1) Find a group of friends that will hold you accountable and that you can be honest with about your feelings.  I have THE BEST group of friends (and some family members).  I'm talking about a group of ladies that I can call when I'm getting ready to make a dumb decision in life.  They will take the time to help me weigh the pros and cons, encourage me to do what's right, and tell me when I'm being completely stupid!  No seriously, they are good for saying "that's dumb!" LOL!  After I get out of my feelings, I'm typically very appreciative.  The key to these relationships is that I am ALLOWED to be honest.  They hear the good, bad, and foolish of my mind.  I don't feel judged, but appreciated for being honest about what I'm struggling with (because believe it or not, we are all struggling with something).  With that being said, realize in order to have true accountability you must be truthful, open, and honest about the things going on in your heart and mind. 

2) Be careful and aware of the things (and people) you listen to as well as the things you watch.  One MAJOR lesson I learned a few years ago was the thoughts you meditate on turn into action and words.  For example: When Beyonce's "Grown Woman" dropped a while ago, I had it on repeat!  Between the lyrics and the vibe of the track it changes the way that you walk, talk, and  your posture.  It's the empowerment I began to rehearse that "she's right, I AM a grown woman!"  In that same vein, when you are watching shows, listening to music, and talking about nothing but sex, what exactly do you THINK is going to happen.  What's in you will eventually come out. 

3) Realize that sex  can complicate things in even the best situation.  Sex will not fix a broken relationship.  As a single person, you hold the strongest hand EVER!  You aren't married, so as the relationship progresses and you begin to see issues that you can't deal with you know to make the decision to leave or just be friends.  HOWEVER, when you throw sex into the mix, you might have a second thought based on the attachment that has been made.  The decision isn't impossible to make, but it is harder.  Why put yourself in that position? 

4) FOR PARENTS/ADULTS:  STOP PUTTING AN EMPHASIS ON THE MESSAGE OF SAVING YOURSELF ONTO GIRLS ALONE!  Since it takes two to have sex, two need to be addressed with not only the message of purity, but the talk of consequences and responsibilities of making the adult decision to consummate a relationship outside of marriage.  

And finally:

5) Let's get real with each other.  Stop walking around like sex is a death topic; if you talk about it, you turn into a pillar of salt!  There are people trying to make it to Jesus, struggling with something like sex.  And here you are, appearing to be too holy to have a conversation that might address the issue.  But addressing it may help the person understand that they aren't alone in the struggle, while also giving them an outlet to be honest!!! GET REAL!  It's 2014 and there are too many consequences to covering up a topic
sex.  It is beyond necessary that we talk about it.  People are creating unhealthy attachments and contracting fatal diseases while we are sitting in our Sunday white, pretending like this issue doesn't need to be addressed. 

    The time has come for more open and honest conversation about the process of being single and working towards waiting for sex until marriage (whether you are a virgin or you are abstaining).  Let me know your thoughts.  If you've abstained completely, or decided that after having sex that you now want to abstain, how are you doing it?  What are your views on being Christian, single, and sex? 
How do you break up with a friend?

I feel like I keep getting handed these loaded guns, but lets tackle this all to real issue together, mmkay?   So you have a friend you no longer want to call a friend.  They betrayed you, lied to you, you all may have grown apart, or they ate the last of your cotton candy?  WHAT!?!  Cotton Candy is a HUGE reason for the demise of a friendship...LOL!  Anywhoo, for some reason you want to bring a close to the friendship, and that's your prerogative.  However, how do you walk away?

    My first two concerns are does your friend know you are bringing the friendship to a close AND do they know why?  Many times we think its easier to just disappear, and while it is for you, the other party is left to ponder if its really over and why.  If you are brave enough to cut the ties of the relationship, be brave and respectful enough to let your former friend know that yes its over and the reason as to why.  There is nothing worse than walking around with a broken friendship, and not knowing its broken or understanding what happened to cause the demise. 

    My third concern is to make sure you are not making this decision while in an overly emotional state.  It is so easy in a temporary fit of anger for us to make permanent
decisions.  This decisions are not typically sound, and can cause more harm than good.  Take a night to sleep on the decision to dissolve a friendship.  If you wake up in the morning and issue still rubs you wrong, then proceed.  The goal at the end of the day is to bring the friendship to a peaceful end, unless you are mean and hateful.  But that's a completely separate blog!

    When you approach your friend, expect some resistance.  A real friend is not willing to just let go of a friendship that has been developed with time and care.  This is the time to remain calm, and voice the issues you see in a non-blaming fashion. Don't start the conversation with "this is what bothers me about you!" You wouldn't want to hear it and neither does your friend! Once the issues have been voiced, they have two options, address them or let it dissolve.  With that being said, please keep in mind that you are NOT perfect.  Your friend may have some issues with you...gasp!  Imagine that!!!! NEWSFLASH:



    Truly it is fine that you are not perfect, however you must be receptive to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.  These are the conversations that make you a stronger, better person.  If you know what your friend states is true, then take it and improve.  If they hit you with a "you suck ANDDDD you're ANNOYING" (and you know that's not true) move on.  State your peace, allow your friend to state their peace, and move forward in peace.  This is not the time to have a knockdown, drag-out fight if the friendship is truly over. 
    Hopefully your end goal is to find a kind and peaceful resolution (whether you end it or not) to your friendship.  If you can keeps these things in mind while also voicing how you feel, you should be able to reach that goal.  In the end, do not hang on to something or someone out of pure comfort.  If you know within yourself that its time to break the friendship off, then cut the ties in a constructive manner and move forward knowing you have done all you could in the friendship. 

Topic: Tigers

So when I got this topic, I had no clue where to go with it.  Even as I'm writing this to you, I'm struggling with the direction I should take. 

    So let's begin with a few facts I've found.  There are 9 sub species of tigers, however three of those are considered to be extinct.  As a friend pointed out to me, there has been no sighting of a white tiger in the wild in many years.  I learned that tigers in the wild, when having no previous contact with humans, are more likely to flee than to attack.  However, if they feel they are in danger, or they feel like you are giving chase, they are more prone to attack.  Know that I've researched tigers a bit because I knew nothing of them, outside of running away if I saw one (which I found in reading is the DUMBEST thing you can do).  In any case, as I read about their muscular build and the strength of their jaw, something interesting popped up.  It is said that a tigers stripes are not just a print on their fur.  If you were to shave the fur from a tigers body, their skin still holds the imprint of the stripes. 
WHO ON EARTH was brave enough to shave a tiger!?!  I mean even with the strongest of tranquilizers, you couldn't PAY ME enough to do all of that!  OK....
     The tigers stripes are engrained in their very bodies!  Their stripes act as an identification method much like a human finger print.  What they are is burned into their very being.  Not only are their stripes the source of identity, but they are also the source of their protection.  The patten  in their skin and on their body acts as a camouflage to protect them, and also to hide them from the prey they are pursuing. 

These stripes caused me to ponder the question, what are my stripes saying to others?  How is who I am at my core being communicating to those around me?  Are my "stripes" (values, beliefs, actions) camouflaging me from people and opportunities which may be positive or hiding me from potential threats?  At the tigers nature, they mind their own business and just go about living life without major conflict. Tigers don't typically attack people randomly.  There is usually some stimulus which causes a reaction to attack.  I, at my core, am a loving and forgiving soul.  I will forgive stupidity and thoughtlessness far beyond the capacity of many of those around me.  I will make excuses, and try really hard to protect those around me.  However, when outside stimuli have become too much, I IMMEDIATELY go into a defensive/protective mode.  It's not something I like to do, nor is it a natural part of who I am, but it happens. 

    The thought I leave you with is how do we go about our lives/business as our core selves without changing the characteristics that are imprinted on our very being?  I'd love to hear from you!  How are you walking through life without changing who you are at your core?  Are you aware of your stripes and what exactly are they communicating to those around you?
Topic:  Recognizing and overcoming differences in situations

There comes a time in everyone's life during a conversation, that two opinions come colliding towards one another like two conductor-less freight trains.  You were talking about a subject with a calmness and then it dawns on you  "my friend doesn't agree with me".  While I love respectful conversations where the person I'm speaking with doesn't agree, things have the potential to get ugly.    It is in these moments, you, and your friend, must make a few decisions. 

    First, both parties need to realize that you don't agree on this topic, nor do you have to.  If it is the first disagreement, trust me, it will NOT be the last.  Disagreements are ok to have.  Those conversations provide the BEST learning environments.  During conversations with differing opinions and views you are able to talk about topics in ways you may have never seen them before.  That is a GREAT opportunity for growth!  Whether you change your opinion after learning the information, or stay with your former opinion, you have taken advantage of an opportunity to expand your thinking and mind.

    Second, you must take your feelings out of the conversation.  So many people get upset when you don't agree with them.  Real friends and grown ups are not yes men! This is NOT Coming to America, and I will not hop on one foot barking like a dog because this is the request from "whatever you like"!  While we are granted the freedom to believe whatever we'd like in America, we must understand the responsibility that comes with that is being tactful while expressing our views.  Also we should NEVER turn a discussion into a manipulation/pressuring session.  During a conversation, you're job is to present the information and be available to answer any outlying questions, while also listening to the other participant(s).

    Prime example:  I had a conversation with a friend years ago where they disclosed a discovery they found out about themselves.  Before and after telling me, they had many questions about my beliefs and feelings on the subject.  We had the BEST conversation where they felt like they had the space to ask questions, as did I.  In the end we agreed to disagree, said our I love you's, and I believe that our relationship grew stronger. 

    Third, this is not your time to be a know it all! You want to know why, because you AREN'T all knowing!   This is something even I struggle with because I've had some interesting experiences.  I'm typically fine, until I meet someone who acts as if I've never done anything in LIFE!  During conversations, especially those with differing opinions,  try not to be overbearing.  None of us knows everything in life.  One statement that drives me up a wall is "well they can't tell me anything because they are younger than I am!"  And while a person may be, you can't ever know their full story.  There may be portions of their life they have not shared with you that might be the very key to your situation.  However, in order to hear it you must stop talking and listen.  (As my mom says, God gave you two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you speak!)

    In the end if you still do not agree, THAT'S PERFECTLY FINE!  You are not the ruler of the universe whom everyone must bow to and agree with!  You never know who is going to speak with that person next! They may drive the point home with personal experience in a way you never could! Unfortunately, I feel the art of communication has taken a hit, but we must be diligent to teach each other to become better communicators. In doing so we must exercise kindness, humility, and respect. 

Question:  How does one deal with  the same type of characteristics, in different people, that irk you?  In other words, same book, different cover.

This is a question for the ages.  Dealing with the same irritating characteristics in different people in life is like waking up on Christmas morning all excited to unwrap your gifts! You grab your gift, unwrap it, only to seeee......a repeat of the same sweater you already own in 12 colors!  YUP, the one you JUST SAID you didn't want or need any more.  We walk into new relationships, whether social or business, with great expectations, only to realize one person on the team is crazy re-gifted.  What I mean by crazy re-gifted is a personality trait or group of traits you have seen (and despised) before is now being  presented to you again in the form of a new person.  Same crazy, different person.   It is inevitable;  you will at some point run into several people throughout your lifetime with characteristics which drive you up a WALL!  The ones who when they start talking you scream in your head:


    (If for some reason you are thinking "I don't know anyone like that", it may be you.  Consider me a friend reminding you to do a self check.  No mirror, no friends...) 

So what are you to do about it?  If this seems to be a theme in your life,  here are a few things that may help you adjust to crazy re-gifted:

    1) Understand behind every crazy person (severe or minimal) is a story.  Sometimes people are either screaming to let the story out or they are fighting to keep it in.  Find out which, but in the end just show yourself friendly.  They may accept it, they may not, but at least you can say in each situation you attempted to be kind.

    2) Take a look at the man/woman in the mirror.  Is there something about you that draws the crazy?  Is there a reason people you deem as crazy keep coming to you?  Are you here for such a time as this to deal with the crazy in a way that only you can?   Are these people really crazy, or are you nitpicking?  Stop looking at people as an issue to deal with and start focusing on them as person with issues to understand. I'm just saying, you may be the one person in the world that can help them.  

    3) **Singing**  Try, try, tr, try a little tenderness!   For some people, those frustrating things they do or say are defense mechanisms.  So the trick is to diffuse the defense mechanism by making them feel welcome in a space to be themselves (annoyances and all).  This may happen through conversations or outtings over time, but be patient.  They didn't become who they are over night, so they will not open up over night.  It takes TIME. 
    4) NONE OF US ARE PERFECT!  We all have our deficiencies and idiosyncrasies.  So with this in mind, treat people (even the re-gifted crazies) as you would want someone to treat you.  Who knows, you might be the first person that shows them the proper way to communicate or interact with people. 

    5) Talk to them about what makes you uncomfortable.  Sometimes people have NO CLUE they are annoying you.  If you don't say something (in a nice manner) how will they know?
**Sidenote:  Don't walk up to someone and say "you SUCK ANDDDDD you're ANNOYING".  That's never the proper way to have a conversation.  Just thought I'd clear that up in case the thought crossed your mind :)   Can you say INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION MUCH!?! **

    6) Finally (and maybe I should have put this first) look at yourself.  If a characteristic keeps popping up in different people and you are the common denominator, what is it you are to learn from your interactions with them?  Take each encounter as a lesson, whether in communication or actions, and grow from it.

    In the end we all have our own characteristics that irk others to DEATH!  Those differences can be the spice of life, if you know how to maneuver through the minefield. 
Now with all of these uplifting notions, know there are some people who refuse to change and don't care about your feelings.  For them, I pray and move forward!  I learn what I need to learn from them, and about them, and I keep trudging forward.  My goal is not to change people, but to learn from them and grow.  Life would stink if we were all the same, however let's try our to bring our best and original gifts to the table and leave the crazy re-giftings (yeah I know that's not a word!) in the closet. 
Day 3 Topic: SHOES!!!!!!

    So, listen, I may have a SMALL love of shoes.  Kinda huge love.....Ok, it's massive!  No matter your mood, shoes tend to change the feel of your outfit, and in turn, your day!  Whether it be a slick pair of flats, a fly pair of sneakers, or and snazzy pair of stilettos, shoes just make life more interesting!  My friends and I are constantly checking out shoes and discussing deals we've gotten in different place!  There is NOTHING I don't like about shoes...well almost.  And yes, I said almost! 

    Over the years there is one shoe associated phrase I've heard stated to students and adults alike, and I DETEST IT!  The following statement makes my skin crawl, ears itch, and blood boil:

"You've got some big shoes to fill!"

    Now typically you hear this phrase from people who truly have no idea of who you are or what you are capable of doing.  It's meant to flatter the person that held the spot before you, but what I think people fail to realize is its a slap in the face to the person who's got next!  When I was little, I liked to go into my cousins room and watch her put on makeup, get dressed, and occasionally slip my foot in her uber cool shoes! (I've been a shoe junkie for as far back as I can remember!)  The problem is, she was years older and her shoes didn't fit my foot.  It caused issues as I began to try to move in them.  While she inspired me to be amazing at whatever I did, she never suggested I walk the same path she did.   She encouraged me to step out in my own stilettos and blaze a trail of greatness!  (Thanks D!)

    So you can only imagine after hearing that statement a while back, my stomach began to churn.  I immediately turned to my partner in crime and said, "I don't need to fill anyone's shoes, my Jimmy Choo's fit me perfectily!"  Now I'm SOOOOO grateful for my friends because they understand my statement came from my heart, which is focused on everyone being the best them they can be!  There is danger in forcing someone into shoes that aren't their own.  If a shoe is an improper fit you can:
1) Injure yourself!  A shoe that is too big will slip and cause your gait to change.  You can't walk as smoothly or as quickly as you need to in a shoe that is too big.  It's just dangerous.
2) If the shoe is too small you can cause major damage to your feet and alignment of your back!  The physical repercussions of an ill fitted shoes just aren't worth it!
3)  Your confidence will take a major blow when shoes don't fit.  You will second guess movements and decisions to do things because you are focused on how your feet feel in those shoes versus the impact of the task at hand. 

    STOP THE MADNESS!!!!  You don't need to fill a pair of shoes that don't fit you!  The world needs you at your best, in the shoes you rock so well...YOUR OWN!  Your shoes may have some scuffs, but I bet you those are reminders of the amazing work that you've done.  Shoes that don't come out of the box and that aren't seen, don't get scuffed.  Scuffs show that you have used those shoes, and those are the people I want around me!  Hey, if the shoe fits, stand up straight, gather every bit of confidence you have, and wear it proudly!  Know that NO ONE, and I do mean no one, can do what you can do because God created you just as you are, with an intent purpose in mind!  NOW, abandon the task of trying to fill your neighbors shoes, and take a walk in YOUR OWN shoes :) 


Day 2 Question:  What are your thoughts on friends or long time friends dating?

    Well Lord Jesus!  That's a mixed bag of crazy!  I've seen this go great in one instance, and in another I've experienced it in a hurricane of horrible.  First and foremost, this all comes down to your own opinion.  It truly depends on your relationship, as well as the other persons viewpoint of any possible romantic relationship.  It comes with risks.  Some people are willing to risk an awkward moment to find out for sure if the relationship could become romantic.  Other people are scared out of their wits.  You not only have to evaluate your reaction, but you must also prepare to deal with the response you receive from your friend.  You don't want to be that person that asks expecting a "no" and you receive a "yes". 

I, personally, am not a fan of dating a long term friends.  If we've been friends for 5, 10, 15 years, did you all of a sudden wake up and say "heyyyyy I like him/her" ?  Like what all of a sudden 15 years into the friendship clicked and said,

     The ONE time I tried to date a close friend, the relationship changed so dramatically that I then realized (from first hand experience) why my friend was still single.  The requirements of the relationship changed IMMEDIATELY and drastically.  Too drastic for me.  While we still speak, it's not been the same since our attempt.  That experience was enough for me!

Now don't get me wrong, I want to marry someone who is my best friend.  I think we all want someone who understands us and ALL of the crazy that entails!  (If you just said, "I'm not crazy" let me include the following just for you.....LIES YOU TELL! )  However, exactly how long does it take you to realize your long time friend is the one for you?  If its been YEARS, you have to be honest and ask yourself a couple of questions. 

1) Are you looking at your friend as a potential significant other because they are truly everything you realize you want in a spouse, to live life with this person for the rest of forever, until death do you part, ORRRRRRRR are you just tired of waiting and you're thinking "they'll do".  If its the latter, go have every seat in the Northern Hemisphere!  No one deserves to be treated as second best,  ESPECIALLY your long time friend. 

2)  Has your friend voiced some interest in wanting more?  Have they given ANY indication they are interested in you? Were you planning on forcing them to date you?  Or were you just going to convince them?

    At the end of the day, you HAVE to be honest with yourself.  If you approach this person, and they decide to give it a go, you're in for work, just as you would be in any other relationship.   While a relationship is a relationship is a relationship, you must acknowledge that different expectation may come from a romantic relationship that were not necessary in a friendship.  Go for it, but in the process be respectful of your friend and their feelings.  Realize things may change, but don't rush the new dynamics of a relationship!  Also, don't expect for your friend to just instinctively know you in the role of "significant other".  As I said above, this new role may require new qualities and bear new needs.  Take the time to get to know each other in this new role and space. 

    **WARNING**  If you know you are super emotional and are easily thrown into your feelings (easily offended or upset)... be careful! Speak to your friend with an open mind, but KILL any storyline you've created in your head.  Allow them the opportunity to respond in truth and love without the preconceived notions your imagination has weaved together Rumpelstiltskin!  (If you need help identifying if you are the overly emotional person, please ask one of your friends.  Real friends tell you the truth, especially when you are lying to yourself!) 

    In the end, dating long term friends is not my cup of tea, but don't let my opinion stop you!  You are the captain of your own ship, and only you know what will work best for your relationship!   What are you're thoughts?  To date a long term friend or not?  If it's your best friend does that  make a difference?
I wanna hear from ya!  Comment below, and share with your friends!

**END DAY 2**
So if you haven’t already heard, I’ve decided to cover 30 topics in 30 days here on Transparency’s Stage.  WHY, you may ask?  Well for a couple of different reasons.  First, I need to become a more consistent in postings, and I think this will be the jump start I need.  Second, and MOST important, I’ve had a rough couple of months.  Between family illness, working two jobs, helping to close one of them down, and learning to do another by myself, my writing began to wane and die. 

While I’m thankful for all of the transitions happening in my life, I want to reach December 31, 2014 knowing that, without a shadow of a doubt, I pushed a significant part of the purpose I’ve been given out.  I want to make a positive, empowering, edifying impact of the world in which I live. 

Now with these writings you will get posts which are beyond serious current event topics, pop culture issues, the MOST random topics (my friends are amazing for the randomness), religion and spirituality, and personal life questions.  Feel free to leave me a topic at any time to write on.  As you send them I will continue to write them! At the end of the day, I hope these blogs encourage healthy and respectful conversations about issues that concern us all, and also infuse some humor (because I’m a closet jokester).  So sit back, get your reading glasses and beverage, and let’s have a conversation or 30!   I’m excited about this journey and appreciate you taking it with me.  Now to see where it takes us….  I hope you’re ready :)