No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
Day 3 Topic: SHOES!!!!!!

    So, listen, I may have a SMALL love of shoes.  Kinda huge love.....Ok, it's massive!  No matter your mood, shoes tend to change the feel of your outfit, and in turn, your day!  Whether it be a slick pair of flats, a fly pair of sneakers, or and snazzy pair of stilettos, shoes just make life more interesting!  My friends and I are constantly checking out shoes and discussing deals we've gotten in different place!  There is NOTHING I don't like about shoes...well almost.  And yes, I said almost! 

    Over the years there is one shoe associated phrase I've heard stated to students and adults alike, and I DETEST IT!  The following statement makes my skin crawl, ears itch, and blood boil:

"You've got some big shoes to fill!"

    Now typically you hear this phrase from people who truly have no idea of who you are or what you are capable of doing.  It's meant to flatter the person that held the spot before you, but what I think people fail to realize is its a slap in the face to the person who's got next!  When I was little, I liked to go into my cousins room and watch her put on makeup, get dressed, and occasionally slip my foot in her uber cool shoes! (I've been a shoe junkie for as far back as I can remember!)  The problem is, she was years older and her shoes didn't fit my foot.  It caused issues as I began to try to move in them.  While she inspired me to be amazing at whatever I did, she never suggested I walk the same path she did.   She encouraged me to step out in my own stilettos and blaze a trail of greatness!  (Thanks D!)

    So you can only imagine after hearing that statement a while back, my stomach began to churn.  I immediately turned to my partner in crime and said, "I don't need to fill anyone's shoes, my Jimmy Choo's fit me perfectily!"  Now I'm SOOOOO grateful for my friends because they understand my statement came from my heart, which is focused on everyone being the best them they can be!  There is danger in forcing someone into shoes that aren't their own.  If a shoe is an improper fit you can:
1) Injure yourself!  A shoe that is too big will slip and cause your gait to change.  You can't walk as smoothly or as quickly as you need to in a shoe that is too big.  It's just dangerous.
2) If the shoe is too small you can cause major damage to your feet and alignment of your back!  The physical repercussions of an ill fitted shoes just aren't worth it!
3)  Your confidence will take a major blow when shoes don't fit.  You will second guess movements and decisions to do things because you are focused on how your feet feel in those shoes versus the impact of the task at hand. 

    STOP THE MADNESS!!!!  You don't need to fill a pair of shoes that don't fit you!  The world needs you at your best, in the shoes you rock so well...YOUR OWN!  Your shoes may have some scuffs, but I bet you those are reminders of the amazing work that you've done.  Shoes that don't come out of the box and that aren't seen, don't get scuffed.  Scuffs show that you have used those shoes, and those are the people I want around me!  Hey, if the shoe fits, stand up straight, gather every bit of confidence you have, and wear it proudly!  Know that NO ONE, and I do mean no one, can do what you can do because God created you just as you are, with an intent purpose in mind!  NOW, abandon the task of trying to fill your neighbors shoes, and take a walk in YOUR OWN shoes :) 


1/8/2014 02:18:43 am

Ok I have to say I love this blog and while reading it, I saw myself for who I was trying to be or who's shoes I was trying to fill wondering y I was getting no where fast. I love and admire others shoes but love mine so much better cuz they r mine and fit me perfectly. Thanks for helping me realize that my blessing is tailor made for me and I don't have to walk in the shadow of others to recieve it


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