No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
Topic: Tigers

So when I got this topic, I had no clue where to go with it.  Even as I'm writing this to you, I'm struggling with the direction I should take. 

    So let's begin with a few facts I've found.  There are 9 sub species of tigers, however three of those are considered to be extinct.  As a friend pointed out to me, there has been no sighting of a white tiger in the wild in many years.  I learned that tigers in the wild, when having no previous contact with humans, are more likely to flee than to attack.  However, if they feel they are in danger, or they feel like you are giving chase, they are more prone to attack.  Know that I've researched tigers a bit because I knew nothing of them, outside of running away if I saw one (which I found in reading is the DUMBEST thing you can do).  In any case, as I read about their muscular build and the strength of their jaw, something interesting popped up.  It is said that a tigers stripes are not just a print on their fur.  If you were to shave the fur from a tigers body, their skin still holds the imprint of the stripes. 
WHO ON EARTH was brave enough to shave a tiger!?!  I mean even with the strongest of tranquilizers, you couldn't PAY ME enough to do all of that!  OK....
     The tigers stripes are engrained in their very bodies!  Their stripes act as an identification method much like a human finger print.  What they are is burned into their very being.  Not only are their stripes the source of identity, but they are also the source of their protection.  The patten  in their skin and on their body acts as a camouflage to protect them, and also to hide them from the prey they are pursuing. 

These stripes caused me to ponder the question, what are my stripes saying to others?  How is who I am at my core being communicating to those around me?  Are my "stripes" (values, beliefs, actions) camouflaging me from people and opportunities which may be positive or hiding me from potential threats?  At the tigers nature, they mind their own business and just go about living life without major conflict. Tigers don't typically attack people randomly.  There is usually some stimulus which causes a reaction to attack.  I, at my core, am a loving and forgiving soul.  I will forgive stupidity and thoughtlessness far beyond the capacity of many of those around me.  I will make excuses, and try really hard to protect those around me.  However, when outside stimuli have become too much, I IMMEDIATELY go into a defensive/protective mode.  It's not something I like to do, nor is it a natural part of who I am, but it happens. 

    The thought I leave you with is how do we go about our lives/business as our core selves without changing the characteristics that are imprinted on our very being?  I'd love to hear from you!  How are you walking through life without changing who you are at your core?  Are you aware of your stripes and what exactly are they communicating to those around you?

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