No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
I heard a story last week that broke my heart.  A person was speaking with a young lady, who experienced a traumatic event.  The young lady was looking for an explanation as to why God would allow this event to occur.  We've all been in that questioning state before.  As the person began to answer her, they told the young lady that God may have allowed it to happen in order to get her attention.  WHAT!?!   

This response broke my heart because of all of the things this young lady was reaching for, she was given the message that the incident was caused because she was not paying attention to what God was telling her, and in essence she was told it was all her fault.  After hearing this story I became enraged, and eventually I had to acknowledge that I was hurt.  Hurt for the young lady that has now been sent out into the world with the misinformed notion that its her fault if she is hurt or taken advantage of because she's not listen to the voice of the Lord.

I wanted to write to you, young lady, to ensure you that God does not intend for your to be hurt or harmed.  His purpose for you is to learn and grow as you build a relationship with him.  It is not OK for you to be harmed....EVER!  You are not to be abused or taken advantage of....EVER!  If for some reason you are, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a trusted family member, volunteer, pastor, or law enforcement officer to entrust this information to.  Reach out, ask for help! 

Does God want us to make safe and sound decisions?  YES!  But just in case you make a bad decision, it is never His will that you be placed in harms way to learn a lesson.  It is crucial that we take the time to listen to that voice that stirs from out stomach and into our throats.  Trust yourself and your instincts.  If something doesn't seem right, leave!  At the end of the day God loves you, in spite of your flaws and mistakes.  He wants what's best for you!  He is the picture of unconditional love!  He see's the good, bad, and ugly in us all and He still loves us!  Anyone that truly loves you will never wish harm on you, even when you aren't listening to the advice they are giving to build you up.  Know that GOD LOVES YOU and wants what's best for you!  If you've made a mistake repent to God, forgive yourself, learn from the mistake, and MOVE FORWARD!  In the end you must remember that God loves you just as you are and while you make mistakes, you are here for a purpose.  It's time for you to stand up and decide that you can and will move forward.  So the question I have for you is:  What is your next step!?! 

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