No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
Have you ever had the feeling you are supposed to be doing more than your current situation dictates?  What's the first feeling after that question is posed in your overly imaginative brain?  

Well for me, it's fear.  Fear of the new possibilities and the unknown.  Fear of not being able to predict my action's success.  Many times we sit on perfectly effective gifts because we fear how they will be received.  We can be handed freedom in the most beautiful packaging and shy away from it because of our own insecurities.  

Recently, I decided to move forward on an idea near and dear to my heart.  However, before I was able to do so, I had dinner with a small group of my friends.  We take time out to come together every so often to catch up and encourage one another to keep moving forward.  During the course of the evening, I was reminded of one simple, yet HEAVY thing....

"Students [people] are waiting on you to do what's in your heart.  What's in your heart will in turn help them do what's in their heart!  They need you."

I HAD NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT IN THAT MANNER!  Seriously, I had done what many people do.  I was so wrapped in how I would look, how it would effect me if it wasn't a success, and I forgot the simple fact that God sends us to people when they need us most, with what they need most.  He has given us the freedom to go out and touch peoples live, while also allowing them to change our lives.  So what happened?  How did we get to this selfish mindset?  And how do we get back  to the focus? 

The freedom we have been gifted has conformed  into a prison of sorts, which is FARRRRR from it's purpose.  As a society, we focus on what makes us as an individual happy versus the joy, happiness, and peace of our neighbors.  So how to do we shut this selfish mindset down?

1) OPEN YOUR EYES and really look at the people around you.  Don't just brush past others, but really take the time to talk and check in on people.  It never fails that someone around you could use an encouraging word, a hug, or just someone to talk to.  One phone call can truly be the difference between life and death. 

2) Use your gift....and do so effectively!  Don't be concerned about how your actions will be received.  Do what you are supposed to do with a pure and humble heart and let the chips fall where they may.  Your responsibility is to give, not to manage how others receive what you give. 

3) FINALLY, be HAPPY!  With all you do, make sure it is accompanied with joy and happiness!  You are serving others!  In turn know as you give, all that you have given will be given unto you.  No seriously, it's scripture! 
Luke 6:37-38 states:

  37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

IT'S BIBLE, and God doesn't lie.  It will be placed "into your lap", which means you'll never have to look for it.  It will find you!  With that in mind, make sure you are giving love, joy, peace, happiness, and an abundance of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.  Help others realize while they may first fear the opportunity freedom presents, freedom is not another sort of prison.  It is an opportunity to learn, grow, and assist others out of their particular prison.  REMEMBER and REMIND OTHERS OFTEN, there is NO FEAR in FREEDOM! 

*You know I love hearing from you, so how are you walking in your freedom through fear?  How have you helped others through bouts of fear as they embrace their freedom?  

6/16/2014 12:31:22 pm

This post is so helpful as it reminds me to stay focused on the purpose of what God is telling me to do and not the critics. I agree, we (I) do get caught up sometimes worrying about how what I want to do will be received, and as much on how what I want to do will change the lives of others. God is constantly reminding me to get my focus back on HIM! He is first. His gifts and talents are before my fear and evaluative brain. Thanks for your post. I look forward to reading more!


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