No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
So I've talked at length about a recent mission trip to New York to my family and friends, and I know they are probably BEYOND tired of hearing me.  However, there are so many lessons that I continue to run through my mind, so I decide to share them as they come to me. 

    One such event happened on a subway car on the way back into the city for dinner.  We were all grouped together in a subway car talking quietly (by Texas standards anyway) amongst ourselves, which was a MAJOR change of pace.  During other trips we were all so excited that conversations were loud and a bit rambunctious.  Now for anyone who knows me, I'm a people watcher.  It's something amazing about seeing people interact in their natural environments.  The biggest difference I saw on the subway car was that we made it pretty clear that we were visitors.  Why, you ask?  Because NO ONE else was talking to the person next to them.  Even if they were together, there seemed to be an unspoken rule to be quiet. 

Anyways, during this one quiet trip on the subway, one of my kids was asked by a lady if we all were together.  She replied "Yes, we are here from Texas."  The lady then asked "for what purpose?"  My student replied, "We are on a mission trip".   That ONE STATEMENT created the best ministry moment I've ever seen.  The lady, noticeably intrigued, began to ask questions which of course lead back to Jesus.  That kid taught me the best lesson.  We have to be willing to talk, nothing more, nothing less.  One cordial conversation led to Jesus, and if that lady had never heard of Him before, she has now.

How many times have we avoided conversations, and even eye contact, because we didn't feel like talking or the person made us uncomfortable?  What moment did we miss to show grace and love in a manner which that person may have never seen or experienced it!  Slow down today and take in the moments which are seemingly insignificant to share love and grace and Jesus with someone.  Make sure you don't miss your moment.

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