No fear, no judgement, just respectful honesty.
I made it!  I finished my first year in the Educational Leadership program.  I've had TONS of ups and downs, but I made it.  I was warned when I began that if anything in life could go wrong, it would go wrong during this first year.  I brushed the negativity off and kept it moving.  Boy would I find out so much about myself.  I mean seriously, what a difference a year makes! I started the program, lost a job, lost friends, fortified old friendships,  buried my last grandparent, and found out how much God keeps us in the midst of the madness of life.  I also learned this degree has nothing to do with bad happening, but with you refining who you are in the fire of the trials. 

During this time I came to realize in the midst of what others saw as bad, I was able to start afresh and go after the thing I wanted most in my life.....MY JOY!  I began to rejoice in the time spent learning about children, the way they learn, and how they perceive education and educators.  These children were my life savers when I thought I was going to drown!  I'm so thankful for the drama and lessons of the last year, for without it all I would not be as vested in educating our students in a manner that solidifies their resolve to do more, be better people, and move mountains!  I've got tons to say, and I'm sure at some point I'll blog more about the first year.  I just needed to vocalize a bit of thankfulness for the light at the end of the first round tunnel and to the joy the entrance into the second year brings.  Time to break barriers and smash glass ceilings!  Round 1 goes to ME and I'm so thankful!
